EdgeVis Client - Introduction
Updated over a week ago

What is EdgeVis Client?

EdgeVis Client is the front end application from Digital Barriers.

With EdgeVis Client you can view multiple videos, the location of your assets on a map and monitor alerts.

There are concepts of ACTIVITIES and LAYOUTS along with TABS.

This application will only connect to a server version 7.0 or above. Some Features may require a later version of Server or Encoder.

What are Layouts?

Layouts allow the display of multiple videos, a map and/or alerts on the screen at the same time.

Layouts can be opened in a few ways;

  • Select the assets you want to view from the asset list. Toggle the MAP and ALERT option to add them to the layout and select VIEW

  • From the tabbar select + and pick an empty layout from the selection

  • From the layout section on the home page, select an empty layout

Layouts open on TABS, these operate just like the tabs on a web browser.

What are Activities?

Activities are layouts that can be saved for later reuse. Whenever a layout has been closed, it will automatically be added to your RECENT ACTIVITY list.

Activities can be saved to disk. From the top right menu, select SAVE ACTIVITY.... This will store the activity on your device and add it to your SAVED ACTIVITY list.

Alerts are displayed on the home page, or on a tab by selecting ALERTS from the menu

To view the asset associated with an alert, select it and select VIEW.

What are Alerts?

Alerts are displayed on the home page, or on a tab by selecting ALERTS from the menu

To view the asset associated with an alert, select it and select VIEW.

How do I view video streams?

Once added to a layout, the video will be streamed from the asset. To interact with an asset, select it first. The selected asset will have a blue border around it.

Access the assets PTZ, Edge recordings, input switching etc. by selecting the option from the options buttons on the video.

Other features such as technology profiles, colour controls etc. can be accessed from the Settings, Action and Profile menus.

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