EdgeVis Client user guide Chapter 2: Installing EdgeVis Client

This article provides a quick overview on how to install EdgeVis Client, connect to an EdgeVis Server and access encoder functions.

Updated over a week ago

Chapter 2: Installing EdgeVis Client

EdgeVis Client is a software viewing application that allows users to access the video streams available on an EdgeVis Server. This section shows the various viewing options available and instructions on how to download and install EdgeVis Client.

Before you begin…

Using EdgeVis Client requires the following:

  • The address of an EdgeVis Server

  • A user account, with permissions assigned to view one or more encoders

  • (Optionally) The encryption fingerprint of the EdgeVis Server

If you do not have this information, contact your EdgeVis administrator.

Depending on server configuration, a 2FA app may also be required for enrolling in two-factor authentication.

Platforms Available

EdgeVis Client is available on the following platforms:

  • Microsoft Windows

  • Android

  • Apple iOS

EdgeVis Client has been designed to provide a consistent experience, regardless of the platform in use. Tablet users will benefit from full 'desktop' functionality, as opposed to a scaled-up phone application.

Built-in help

Each platform includes a full help system which explains how each function operates. This is built-in to EdgeVis Client and does not require an internet connection to function.

This document provides the user enough information to install and set up EdgeVis Client and gives a brief overview on how to get started. Refer to the help system for help on any specific function.

Installation guides for each platform:

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