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EdgeVis Client - Home Page - Introduction
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Home page - Introduction

The Home Page is launched on connecting to a system.

Example within EdgeVis Client

1 - Menu bar

2 - Tab bar

3 - Asset list

4 - Layouts and activities

5 - Active alerts

Menu bar

The menu bar is a context sensitive menu and will change options depending on the selected asset.




This displays the name of the system the client is connected to. Selecting this will display the Home Page


Selecting this will open the alerts in a new tab. This also displays the number of NEW alerts on your system


Will show a full screen map with all your assets shown


When an asset has been selected, settings available for that asset will be shown


When an asset has been selected, actions available for that asset will be shown


Allows the changing and management of asset profiles


Access to system help, server logging off etc

Tab bar

The tab bar operates just like a tab bar in a standard web browser. New tabs will open when you view an asset, an alert or a new layout. Selecting + opens a new tab with the layout wizard.

Tabs can be closed by selecting the x on each tab.

Asset list

The asset list is used throughout the application to select and search for assets.

Toggle the ONLINE button to only show assets currently connected to the system.

Find an asset by typing into the SEARCH box.

Move between different views of the assets by using the < and > buttons.

Select the assets of interest and select VIEW to open the selected assets in a new layout.

When opening assets in a new layout, toggle MAP and ALERTS to show those elements on a layout.

Full details can be found in the Assets article


Alerts are stored at the server, shared and targeted to specific users and user groups.

The alert list will display alerts currently on the system. Alerts can be New, Acknowledged or Closed.

Highlight an alert and select VIEW to open the alert in a new layout.

Full details on the alert list can be found here

Layouts and activities

Layouts allow multiple views of assets on a single screen. Layouts can contain multiple video views, a map and alerts in many different combinations.

Open a new empty layout by selecting a suggested layout. If there is not a suitable layout select Show All from Suggested Layouts to view all possible layouts.

Once a layout has been opened and populated, these Activities can be saved for later re-use. The last 20 activities are automatically remembered in Recent activity

Full details on Layouts and Activities can be found here

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