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EdgeVis Server - Linux installation

This document describes how to install the EdgeVis Server on a Linux operating system via a DEB/RPM package.

Updated over 6 months ago


The latest EdgeVis Server Linux installation files are available from our Download Center.

Note: You must be logged in before you can access our Download Center. Please log in to your account if you haven't already done so.

There are many different versions of Linux and various different ways in which it can be configured. It is not possible to give an explanation of how to install the Server on every platform – this document outlines two different ways to install EdgeVis Server onto Linux using the most common Linux installation methods.

Supported Linux Distributions

EdgeVis Server is available as a deb file and an rpm file for installation on Linux systems. The following distributions are tested and officially supported by Digital Barriers:

  • Ubuntu – 20.04 and 22.04

  • Red Hat 7.6

  • Centos 7.6

Single Server Installation Process - Ubuntu

The following instructions explain how to install EdgeVis Server on Ubuntu 20.04 or 22.04.

  • Super-user (root) access and an internet connection are required to complete these steps.

  • The installer package will place the EdgeVis Server files under /opt/edgevis-server/

Tip: Copying and pasting these commands into a command prompt can sometimes be troublesome as formatting can be lost during the process, changing the commands. It is recommended to copy and paste into a text editor first, to ensure that no errors have been introduced. Please be aware that:

  • Dashes can be wrongly converted from the minus symbol (next to zero key) into a double-width printable hyphen, that looks identical in a command prompt.

  • Commands that are separated into multiple lines are usually ended with a \ (backslash). However, pasting often removes the newlines, putting all of the command onto one line. In this case remove the backslash.

  1. Download the latest EdgeVis Server DEB package from our Download Center.

  2. Install the EdgeVis Server Package (replace X.X below with the version downloaded):

    sudo dpkg -i edgevis-server_8.X.X_amd64.deb

  3. Start the EdgeVis Server service:

    sudo systemctl start edgevis-licensing

    sudo systemctl start edgevis-server

  4. If a Firewall is enabled on the Server PC then EdgeVis Server requires that certain ports must be allowed to accept incoming connections. An explanation of what each port is used for is available on the EdgeVis Support Site. In Ubuntu the ufw firewall can be configured as follows:

    sudo ufw allow 9300:9301/tcp

    sudo ufw allow 9300:9301/udp

    sudo ufw allow 2048/udp

    sudo ufw allow 9443/tcp

    sudo ufw allow 1527/tcp

    sudo ufw allow 47500/tcp

    sudo ufw allow 47100/tcp

    sudo ufw status verbose

Single Server Installation Process – Red Hat / Centos 7

The following instructions explain how to install EdgeVis Server on Red Hat or Centos 7.

  • Super-user (root) access and an internet connection are required to complete these steps.

  • The installer package will place the EdgeVis Server files under /opt/edgevis-server/

Tip: Copying and pasting these commands into a command prompt can sometimes be troublesome as formatting can be lost during the process, changing the commands. It is recommended to copy and paste into a text editor first, to ensure that no errors have been introduced. Please be aware that:

  • Dashes can be wrongly converted from the minus symbol (next to zero key) into a double-width printable hyphen, that looks identical in a command prompt.

  • Commands that are separated into multiple lines are usually ended with a \ (backslash). However, pasting often removes the newlines, putting all of the command onto one line. In this case remove the backslash.

  1. Download the latest EdgeVis Server RPM package from our Download Center.

  2. Install the EdgeVis Server Package (replace X.X below with the version downloaded):

    sudo rpm -i edgevis-server-8.X.X-0.x86_64.rpm

  3. Start the EdgeVis Server service:

    sudo systemctl start edgevis-licensing

    sudo systemctl start edgevis-server

  4. If a Firewall is enabled on the Server PC then EdgeVis Server requires that certain ports must be allowed to accept incoming connections. An explanation of what each port is used for is available on the EdgeVis Support Site. In Redhat/Centos the firewalld firewall can be configured as follows:

    sudo firewall-cmd --permanent \
    --add-port=9300/tcp \
    --add-port=9301/tcp \
    --add-port=9300/udp \
    --add-port=9301/udp \
    --add-port=2048/udp \
    --add-port=9443/tcp \
    --add-port=1527/tcp \
    --add-port=47500/tcp \

    sudo firewall-cmd --reload

    sudo firewall-cmd --list-ports

Initialising an empty server

The following instructions explain how to initialise an empty server. There are two deployment types available, select the best that suits your needs.

Note: Substitute < > parameters (such as <Server Name>) with suitable values.

Create standalone server (i.e. not cluster capable)

The following command will initialise a standalone sever. This deployment type supports dynamic IP addressing, so is suitable for laptops moving between wireless networks, but does not support multi-site resiliency (MSR).

sudo /opt/edgevis-server/jre/bin/java \
-jar /opt/edgevis-server/ServerDeployCli.jar \
--type standalone \
--action init \
--name <Server Name>

Create new server cluster

The following command will initialise a standard server. This deployment type supports multi-site resiliency (MSR) but requires static network addresses.

sudo /opt/edgevis-server/jre/bin/java \
-jar /opt/edgevis-server/ServerDeployCli.jar \
--type standard \
--action init \
--name <Server Name> \
--internal-ip <Internal IP Address of Server> \
--external-address <External URL / IP of Server>

The server will be initialised with the following default login details:

Username: Administrator

Password: password

Once the installation is complete, you can log in using the above details at the following address:

Once logged in, you can change the password to something more secure by clicking on the user icon at the top right of the page, and then selecting 'Change password':

Illustration of configuration interface

Adding a server to an existing multi-site resilience cluster

The following instructions explain how to add a new server to an existing multi-site resilience cluster.

Note: All servers in a cluster must belong to the same operating system family. A Linux server cannot join a Windows cluster and vice versa.

  1. Gather the following details before proceeding:

    1. From the new server

      1. The internal IP address

      2. The external address (or IP)

      3. A friendly name for the new server

    2. From the cluster we want to join

      1. The internal IP of any existing server.

      2. The username & password of a user with MANAGE_CLUSTER permissions (such as the default Administrator login).

    Note: The new server must be able to communicate with the existing servers in the cluster via their internal IPs. NAT between servers is not supported as cluster communications is only allowed between trusted IPs.

  2. Depending on the operating system type follow the steps within the Single Server Installation Process - Ubuntu or Single Server Installation Process – Red Hat / Centos 7 sections above.

    The Initialising an empty server section should be skipped in either instance (this would initialise the new server as a separate single server cluster).

  3. Run the following command on the new server to join it into the existing cluster:

    sudo /opt/edgevis-server/jre/bin/java \
    -jar /opt/edgevis-server/ServerDeployCli.jar \
    --action join \
    --name <New Server friendly name> \
    --internal-ip <Internal IP Address of new Server> \
    --external-address <External URL / IP of new Server> \
    --cluster-address <Internal IP Address of existing Server> \
    --cluster-username <User with MANAGE_CLUSTER permission> \
    --cluster-password <Above user’s password>

Upgrading to the latest release of Server 8 from a previous release of Server 7

  1. Make sure that your installed licence has a maintenance date of at least the release date of the version you’re trying to upgrade to.

  2. Connect to your server terminal either by ssh or if you’re using the server you’d like to upgrade then you can just open your usual terminal emulator.

  3. Stop running the EdgeVis Server service. From this point until the server has restarted no encoders will be able to connect.

    sudo service edgevis-server stop

  4. Back up the existing server installation. This will allow you to restore a working server if you experience any difficulties with the upgrade

    sudo tar -cvzf ~/edgevis.backup.$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%SZ").tar.gz /opt/edgevis-server

  5. Upgrade the software

    sudo dpkg -i edgevis-server_8.X.X_amd64.deb #(ubuntu)


    sudo rpm -U edgevis-server-8.X.X-0.x86_64.rpm #(rhel/centos)

  6. Restart the service

    sudo service edgevis-server start

  7. Confirm you can reach your newly upgraded EdgeVis Server 8 at the usual address.

Licensing the EdgeVis Server

A newly installed EdgeVis Server can be licensed via the Server configuration web interface.

  • Open a web browser and navigate to your server installation. For example, if your server has an IP address of then enter the following URL:
  • Follow the licensing instructions available on the EdgeVis Support Site here.

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