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How do I enable SafeZone 2D?
Updated over a year ago

How to configure SafeZone 2D

  1. Open the video stream in EdgeVis Client, and change to the desired camera

  2. Select the video stream and then select Settings -> Change Analytics

  3. Tick Enable – this will default to detecting any size moving object in any part of the image in Sterile Zone mode.

  4. To tailor object sizes/detection area click Configure - this allows you to change:
    - Minimum size of object (you can move selection box to help gauge)
    - Maximum size of object
    - Detection Region

  5. Use the Advanced button to set the various analytic configuration options.

  6. An On-screen red box on the video shows an active object detection, a grey box shows an object that has been detected, but doesn’t meet your options set in steps 4/5.

  7. Sensitivity can be tweaked up and down if too many/not enough detections are observed.

  8. During live viewing EdgeVis Client will show red/grey boxes during detection as well – to disable select System menu -> Show Analytics…

Note: This assumes the encoder account (within EdgeVis Server) has been allocated a SafeZone 2D licence.

How to use SafeZone 2D as an alarm trigger

  1. Ensure the encoder is online

  2. Open the encoder’s configuration page, either by logging into EdgeVis Server or using Settings -> Configure Encoder when viewing the stream within EdgeVis Client. Then select Alarm Rules.

  3. Create a new rule by selecting Create Alarm Rule

  4. To use SafeZone 2D as an alarm trigger select Add alarm trigger -> Analytic

  5. Select SafeZone 2D, then either event start or stop event and finally the camera input the analytics are running on.

  6. From the Add action section it is possible to select a number of actions including Go to PTZ Preset and Start/Stop Recording

  7. Finally select the appropriate users to notify in the Add notification section

  8. Save the new rule

  9. If possible, test that the rule is working by walking through the video scene and observing if all actions/notifications happen as expected

It is possible to use Alarm Scheduling to arm/disarm alarm rules at the times you require alarm actions to be performed. Please refer to EdgeVis v8 - Alarm and Sleep Management Guide for more details on all EdgeVis alarm capabilities.

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