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EdgeVis Client - Video Component
Updated over a week ago

Video component

Once a video encoder has been opened a full range of features can be accessed.

Illustration of configuration interface

Video encoder status

When the video encoder is streaming, the status of the stream is shown along the top of the video. It will display;

Illustration of configuration interface
  • Encoder name

  • Currently selected input (if more than one available)

  • Time at the encoder

  • Date (If playing remote archive)

  • Stream data rate

  • Stream frames per second

  • Local and remote recording state

  • Current streaming profile

LOC indicates the video stream is being recorded locally.

REM indicates the video stream is being recorded remotely on the encoder.

Selecting a video encoder to use

Select the video encoder to be used by clicking on it, this will be indicated by a blue border around the video component. The features available for that encoder are shown on the bottom of the video stream. Features will depend on the type of encoder used, the encoders licence and the logged-in users permissions.

Illustration of configuration interface
Illustration of configuration interface

Audio playback

To listen to the audio from an encoder, click the Audio icon. Audio will continue to play from that encoder until audio is selected from another encoder or the audio is unselected. The audio button will only be enabled if the encoder has audio configured.
An indicator is shown on the tab if audio is being played.

Edge Recording

The edge recordings of an encoder can be reviewed remotely.
Full details can be found on the recordings page

Recording Bookmarks

While viewing a live video stream or playing back an edge archive, a bookmark can be set to mark a point of interest in the edge archive. This bookmark can be recalled in any EdgeVis client by any user with the correct permissions.

Full details can be found on the recordings page


Cameras equipped with PTZ can be accessed and controlled.

Illustration of configuration interface

PTZ Version 1

Move the center control, left, right, up or down to move the camera. Moving it further within the circle will increase the speed from slow, to medium to fast. Select + to zoom in and - to zoom out.

PTZ Version 2

The PTZ control will offer dynamic speed and direction, allowing the camera to move in any direction at a more controllable speed. This feature requires a supported camera and encoder firmware version.

PTZ can be opened and controlled on Windows using keyboard shortcuts

PTZ presets

Select the top left icon to open the PTZ Presets

Illustration of configuration interface

Select a preset to move the camera to that position. To set a preset, move the camera to the desired position. Open the presets and select SET.

PTZ custom commands

Select the bottom left icon to open the PTZ custom commands The available custom commands will depend on Camera model and system settings.

PTZ custom commands can be controlled on Windows using keyboard shorcuts

Helios PTZ custom commands

The Helios system has a custom set of commands to operate the cameras.


Virtual PTZ allows movement around the video stream without moving the camera. While using VPTZ, the remote archive is always recording the full image, VPTZ only affects the live stream. The VPTZ controls are identical to the PTZ controls.

Illustration of configuration interface

While using VPTZ, a box will appear on screen displaying the area of video that is being viewed.

The VPTZ control may offer more dynamic speed and direction, allowing the view to move in any direction at a more controllable speed. An encoder with the correct firmware version is required.

Full resolution allows retrieval of the original resolution image cached at the encoder.

Switch input

Switches the input to the video stream if it has multiple inputs.

Illustration of configuration interface

Save image

Saves a still image of the video stream to the device. For windows it is saved in the My Documents folder, for mobile devices it is saved to the Photos app.

On Windows the video can be recorded locally by selecting Start local recording from the Action menu.

On Windows the images can be viewed by using the Local Media browser. The Local Media Browser is available from the top right menu.

Full screen

Open the video in a full screen window by selecting the full screen icon. The full screen window can be moved to another screen by dragging it.

All features operate while in full screen mode, except full resolution.

An area of interest can be set on supported encoders.

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