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Installing VMS Gateway 8.7 on Ubuntu
Updated over 4 months ago


If you don't already have a machine running Ubuntu, configured with a static IP address and only one enabled network interface, then please follow these steps to get your machine(s) ready for installing VMS Gateway.

It is highly recommended to use a dedicated machine to run VMS Gateway to avoid CPU contention and interference with other installed applications!

You can use multiple machines to create a VMS Gateway cluster - if so you will have to perform these steps for every machine you intend to add to your cluster.

Before you begin please check the list of requirements. VMS Gateway is a complex piece of software and has more unusual system and network requirements than most

For users running VMS Gateway in a virtual machine please follow these steps - if you're not move onto the next step!

If you've never installed Ubuntu before, this step gives a simple overview (and link to a fuller tutorial) for new Ubuntu users.

VMS Gateway needs you disable all non-essential network interfaces and set a static IP address for your machine on your network.

VMS Gateway installation (on your first machine)

These instructions only apply to first machine you install VMS Gateway on. Please read this article if you want to increase the capacity of your VMS Gateway cluster by adding additional machines.
Expert users can download the .deb file here if required - however, we recommend following the instructions to download and install in two simple commands.

Installation steps

  • Open the Terminal application – this should give you a command prompt

  • Download VMS Gateway using this command

wget -O install.deb

NOTE: the -O parameter is the capital letter O, and not a zero!

  • Run the installer using this command:

sudo apt install ./install.deb
  • You will be asked to enter your Ubuntu password, and then to confirm installation.

  • After a short period you will be asked some questions:

    • The first screen asks if this is the primary machine – select Yes.

    • The second screen provides the secret code required to add additional machines. It is possible to use this to install VMS Gateway onto secondary machines (but it's easier to download this directly from the web interface later).

    • The final screen displays the web address you can use on any PC on this network to login and configure VMS Gateway.

  • Open a web browser and visit the web address shown in the final screen above (i.e. http://[your IP address]/) to confirm successful installation – please allow a minute or so startup time.

You should now be presented with the login page for VMS Gateway - it's time to login in!

Incorrect warning messages

Once installation is complete it is common to see various Ubuntu warning messages:

Illustration of configuring

This can be safely ignored.

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