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4K-R800 - Custom PTZ Protocols

The Custom PTZ protocol feature allows users to send serial commands from an encoder to PTZ cameras and other 3rd party devices.

Updated over 7 months ago

Minimum Requirements

  • EdgeVis Server 8.0 or greater

  • A supported encoder model with firmware

    • 4K-R800 with 8.0 or greater 7.3.0

  • EdgeVis Client 8.0 or greater

  • EdgeVis Local Viewer 8.0 or greater

Feature description

The Custom PTZ Protocol feature allows users to send serial commands from the encoder’s serial ports to PTZ cameras and other 3rd party devices. Each serial port on the encoder can have a different set of serial commands allowing multiple devices to be controlled from the EdgeVis Client.

For example

  • A pan tilt camera can be connected to one serial port, controlled by the on screen PTZ joystick

  • A Zoom lens can be connected to a different serial port controlled by the zoom in and out commands

  • A 3rd party device can be controlled using the Aux and Custom commands for a third serial port

Assigning multiple protocols to the same video input allows the functions of multiple devices to be access on that input. For example, combining the “pan tilt camera” protocol and “zoom lens protocol” to get full PTZ.

Custom protocols can be exported and imported via a text file allowing for fast set-up.

The PTZ commands can be fired controlled from an EdgeVis Client or EdgeVis Local Viewer.

Custom PTZ Command types

There are four types of command that can be configured:

  • Basic commands

    • These are the standard PTZ commands

      • Pan, Tilt with appropriate speeds (Slow, medium and fast)

      • Zoom in and Zoom out

      • Focus, Iris and Backlight

    • These have a start and stop command

    • The start is sent when the user presses a key or moves the on screen PTZ joystick

    • The stop is sent when the user releases the key or releases the on screen PTZ joystick

  • Aux commands

    • Total of 8 aux commands

    • These commands can have a custom name

    • They have an on and off command

    • The on is sent when the user presses the aux command

    • The off is sent when the user releases the aux command

    • These 8 commands have a keyboard shortcut on EdgeVis Client

  • Pre-set commands

    • 255 pre-set commands.

    • They have a Set and Goto command

    • The user can drive the Set and Goto command from the user interface

    • The user can set the name for the preset when setting the command

  • Custom command

    • There can be as many custom commands as required

    • These commands have a single command when the user presses the key

    • The first 14 commands have a keyboard shortcut on the EdgeVis Client

    • The other commands can be accessed via the EdgeVis Client UI

Serial Commands

The serial commands are entered as HEX values [00 – FF]. Appendix A has an ASCII to HEX table to help with conversion.

A picture of a hex input

Creating Custom PTZ protocols

Custom PTZ protocols can be defined as server wide or domain specific. Where the protocol is defined changes where it can be used and who can modify it.

Server Level

  • Protocols added at server level can be accessed by all encoders on the server.

  • Managed by navigating to Advanced server settings -> Encoder settings -> Custom PTZ protocols from the server home page

  • Can only be added or modified by users with server level role that has the Manage custom PTZ protocols permission

Domain level

  • Protocols at this level can only be used by encoders on that domain

  • Managed by navigating to Encoder settings -> Custom PTZ protocols from the domain home page.

  • Can only be added or modified by users with a domain level role that has the Manage custom PTZ protocols permission

Creating Custom PTZ protocols

  1. From the Encoder Settings page, at server or domain level, select Custom PTZ Protocols

  2. Select create a new protocol

    Custom protocol edit form

Example – Adding a custom basic command

Here is an example of adding a custom “Pan left at slow speed” command.

Edit custom PTZ protocol form

  1. Select the command to be configured from the drop down. The command can only be configured once per custom protocol.

  2. The serial commands are entered as hex ascii values [00 – FF]. As an example, the commands above are Pelco-D commands.

  3. Once added, commands can by edited or deleted if required

    Where to edit commands

  4. Continue to add all the commands required

Example - Adding an Aux Command

Illustration of adding an aux command
  1. Set a label for the aux command and a description.

  2. Set the Aux Index, this determines the keyboard shortcut that can used to trigger the Aux. There are only 8 possible aux commands.

  3. Set the On and Off command. The On is sent on a pressing the key down, the off when the key is released.

Example - Adding a custom Pre-Set command

Illustration of adding a custom Pre-Set command
  1. Set the pre-set Index. There can be up to 255 pre-sets.

  2. When the user presses the Goto pre-set from the client, the Goto command will be sent.

  3. When the user Set’s the pre-set from the client, the Set command will be sent.

Example – Setting a custom PTZ command

Setting a custom PTZ command
  1. Set the label and description, this is displayed on the EdgeVis Client

  2. Set the command, this is sent when the user presses the custom command button.

  3. The first 14 commands have a keyboard shortcut on EdgeVis Client, the other commands can be accessed from the custom command’s menu on the client.

Example – A configured custom protocol

A configured custom protocol

Once the protocol has been configured, set the default baud rate and serial type for this protocol.

Adding a protocol to a camera

Once configured, the protocol can now be added to as many encoders as required.

  1. Navigate to the encoder settings page

    Encoder settings page

  2. Select the PTZ settings menu, then select the input to configure

    Custom protocol illustration

  3. Enable the PTZ and select Custom as the protocol

    Completed custom protocol screen

  4. Select Add protocol and pick the custom protocol required

  5. Select the Port and configure the serial parameters as required.

  6. A custom protocol can be added for each serial port on the device.

    Only one protocol can be added per port.

Please Note:

  1. If two custom PTZ protocols have the same command configured, the protocol higher up the list will take precedence. Use the arrows to re-order the list.

  2. Editing a custom PTZ protocol will update all encoders configured with that protocol automatically

    Showing shared custom PTZ protocols

Appendix A – ASCII table

ASCII table

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