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Setting up Video Vault to connect to NAS storage
Setting up Video Vault to connect to NAS storage

This article explains how to configure EdgeVis VideoVault to store data on a NAS drive. This process will work with Windows 7/10/Server 2016

Updated over 7 months ago


These steps assume EdgeVis Video Vault has already been installed and is running normally.

Video Vault must be configured to run as a user with access to the NAS storage. It is recommended that a new user account is created specifically for Video Vault. In most cases this must be created by your IT or Domain Administrator. The user account must meet the following requirements:

  • The user account can log on to the Windows PC running Video Vault and has permission to “Run As Administrator”.

  • The user account has read and write access to the path on the NAS drive where footage will be stored.

  • The Windows security policy must allow the user account to be given the “Log on as a service” permission.

The images in this document are for illustrative purposes only and may differ from the dialog boxes on another system. The user account ‘user’ in the domain ‘officedomain’ is used in images as an example and should be changed to match your Video Vault user account.

Allow the User Account to log on as a Service

The user account must be allowed permission to log on as a Service on the Video Vault Windows PC.

  1. Open Windows Control Panel. Select Administrative Tools. Then select Local Security Policy

  2. Navigate to Local Policies -> User Rights Assignment. Right click the “Log on as a service” policy and select Properties.

    1. If you do not have access to change this policy, then contact your Domain Administrator in order to have access to change this policy.

      Illustration of configuration interface

  3. Press the Add User or Group button. Then select the user account name that should be used to give access to the NAS. This will be the user that the VideoVault service will run as. Press Advanced then press Find Now and select the user account name in the Search results and press OK. The selected user account name must appear in the “Enter the object name to select” box. If the user account is a member of a domain then ensure the domain is set correctly in the “From this location” box. Press OK when done. Close the Local Security Policy window.

Configure the Video Vault Service Logon

The next steps will allow the Video Vault service to run as the new user with access to the NAS.

  1. Open Windows Control Panel. Select Administrative Tools. Then select Services.

  2. Find “PSS Manager Service” in the list. Right click and select Stop to stop the Video Vault service.

    Illustration of configuration interface

  3. Right click on the service and select Properties. Select the Log On tab. Enter the details of the user account the Video Vault service should run as. This user account is the one that has been selected in step 3 of the previous section. Tick the radio button This account and press Browse then press Advanced then press Find Now and select the user account name in the Search results list and press OK. The selected user account name must appear in the “Enter the object name to select” box. Press OK when done. Enter the Password associated to the selected user account. Press OK when done. Do not restart the service yet.

    Illustration of configuration interface

Configure the Video Vault Database Permissions

The Video Vault database folder permissions must be updated to ensure the new user account can access the database.

  1. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to ‘C:\ProgramData\Digital Barriers\EdgeVis Video Vault\data’ (Program Data is a hidden folder in Windows. You may need to enable the Show hidden folders option in Windows Explorer).

  2. Right click on the pgsql folder and select Properties. Select the Security tab then select Advanced.

    Illustration of configuration interface

  3. Make sure that Owner is set to SYSTEM. If it is already set to SYSTEM then skip to step 7.

    Illustration of configuration interface

  4. Press Change. Set the Location to be the PC name. Set the user name to be SYSTEM. Press OK.

    Illustration of configuration interface
    Illustration of configuration interface

  5. Tick the “Replace owner on subcontainers and objects” box as well as the “Replace all child object permission entries…” box. Then press OK.

  6. Press the Advanced button again.

  7. Press the Add button. If the Add button is not present, Press Change once and Cancel, then the Add button should appear.

    Illustration of configuration interface
    Illustration of configuration interface

  8. Press “Select a principal”. Then enter the details for the same user account that the Video Vault service will run as. If the user account is a member of a domain then ensure the domain is set correctly in the “From this location” box. Press OK when done.

  9. Enable the Full control permission. Press OK until all the folder permissions windows are closed.

Restart Video Vault

The Video Vault service can now be restarted and some final configuration steps completed.

  1. Open Windows Control Panel. Select Administrative Tools. Then select Services.

  2. Find “PSS Manager Service” in the list. Right click and select Start. If the service reports an error and does not start, then there may be a problem with the user permissions. Consult your IT or Domain Administrator for support.

  3. Open the EdgeVis VideoVault Administrator application. A message will be displayed stating that permissions must be fixed. Select Yes.

    Illustration of configuration interface

  4. If the login window appears then everything is set up correctly and Video Vault is running. Log in then select the Launch Video Vault Web button. If an error is reported then there may still be a problem accessing the database folder. Refer to the Configure the Video Vault Database Permissions section of this document to make sure the folder permissions have been set up correctly.

Adding a NAS drive folder to VideoVault

It should now be possible for VideoVault to use folders on the NAS drive.

VideoVault can store footage, video exports, reports and database backups to folders on the NAS. Each of these items must be stored in a separate folder. For example:

If the NAS folder is ‘\\\storage\videovault ‘, then the folders to add are:





It is also possible to have multiple footage folders. In this case Video Vault will use all the folders and will distribute the recorded footage evenly between them. Note that additional ‘backups’ folders cannot be created. Moving the backups folder to a NAS is described in the Moving the Backups folder to a NAS section of this document.

To create a new file space on the NAS:

  1. Open the Video Vault web application and log in as a Video Vault administrator user.

  2. Select the Admin tab then select Storage.

  3. Select the Create File Space button (top right).

    Illustration of configuration interface

  4. Enter the path to the folder on the NAS drive. This must be the full network path to the folder (starting with \\). It cannot be the path to a mapped network drive (for example, starting with Y:\).

    Illustration of configuration interface

  5. Set the category type for the folder and the maximum size. Then press Confirm. If the folder is successfully added, then it will be shown in the File Spaces list. This step can be repeated to create additional folders for the same or a different category of file space.

  6. (optional) The original folders on the PC can be removed by selecting the Edit button, setting the state to Obsolete, then pressing Confirm. A button will then become available allowing the folder to be deleted. All recorded footage present in the folder will be removed when the folder is deleted.

    Illustration of configuration interface

Moving the Backups folder to a NAS drive

The backups folder is a special case and cannot be created on the NAS in the same way as the other folder categories. The existing backups folder must be manually copied on to the NAS.

  1. Create a new folder on the NAS drive for the backups.
    For example: \\\storage\videovault\backups

  2. Open the existing backups folder in Windows explorer. The existing path should be ‘C:\Program Data\Digital Barriers\EdgeVis Video Vault\backups’.

  3. Copy the _PSS_filesystem file from the existing backups folder to the new backups folder on the NAS.

  4. (optional) If you want to retain all the backup files that have already been created then copy all the other files from the existing backups folder to the new backups folder on the NAS.

  5. Open the Video Vault web application and log in as a Video Vault administrator user.

  6. Select the Admin tab then select Storage.

  7. Press the Edit button for the existing backups folder entry.

    Illustration of configuration interface
  8. Press the Change button then edit the path to point to the new folder on the NAS drive.

    Illustration of configuration interface
    Illustration of configuration interface

  9. Press CONFIRM. If the change was successful, then the backups folder on the NAS will now be shown in the file space list and will now be the active backups folder. The original backups folder can be deleted if required.

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