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EdgeVis Media Manager: Command line application

This article describes how to use the EdgeVis Media Manager command line application to export CSX and CSXS files to an MP4 file.

Updated over 4 months ago


The EdgeVis Media Manager command line application is a simple tool for exporting CSX and CSXS files to an MP4 file.

CSX and CSXS files are created by Digital Barriers edge archive devices and have fragile digital watermarking and password encryption capabilities.


Install the Media Manager application. The application can be found in the Program Files directory. This will normally be:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Digital Barriers\EdgeVis Media Manager 

NOTE: The application can only be run from within this folder. Please ensure you CD into the folder before running.


To export a CSX or CSXS file:

"EdgeVis Media Manager.exe" –i [input file] –o [output location] [OPTIONS]

An input file (-i) and an output directory (-o) must be provided. An MP4 export of the CSX file will be created in the output directory along with an xml file containing metatdata (start time, end time, duration etc.)

If the file has a CSXS extension (indication it is encrypted) a password must be provided.


-i, --infile=VALUE
the path of the input csx file or directory. If it is a directory then all CSX or CSXS files in the provided top level directory will be exported. If you want all subdirectories to be searched then use the -r flag.

-o, --outfile=VALUE
the path of the output mp4 file.

-p, --password=VALUE
password for the encrypted recording(s).

-c, --channel
suppress the channel name in the filename of the output mp4 file. Useful if the file name is too long.

-h, --help
show application help message.

-w, --Watermarking
prevent export if file fails watermarking.

-r, --Recurse
if this flag is set and a directory is provided as the input file (-i) then all subdirectories will be searched for CSX and CSXS files.

-s, --Silent
run silently without console output.

-y, --suppress
suppress errors and continue until end. This will allow all files in a directory to be attempted to be exported even if some fail.


Export a single file to a folder called ‘output’;

"EdgeVis Media Manager.exe" -i archiveFile.csx -o ./output

Export a CSXS file with a password set;

"EdgeVis Media Manager.exe" -i archvieFile.csxs -p password -o ./output

Export a folder of files recursively, but stop if a file fails the watermarking test;

"EdgeVis Media Manager.exe" -i ./inputFolder -w -o ./output -r

XML metadata

Along with each mp4 file, an XML file be created contain the metadata within the CSX file.

An example of the XML is shown below. The metadata includes the start time, end time and the duration of the clip. All times are stated in UTC.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<FileMetaData xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">








<Id>Video 1 12fps</Id>







Exit codes

On completion the application will end with one of the following exit codes

0 : Success

1 : File Corrupt

2 : Unable to find input file

3 : Invalid Output Directory

4 : Watermarking failed

5 : Incorrect password

6 : No parameters provided

7 : Invalid file or folder permission

8 : Unable to create output file

9 : Failed to transcode

99 : Ran with errors

100 : Unknown error

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