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How do I install licences for my encoders on EdgeVis Server?

If you've recently installed EdgeVis Server or purchased additional licences this article explains how to request and install the licence.

Updated over a week ago

Installing licences on EdgeVis Server

New in Version 8.5 - Trial Licences

In EdgeVis Server versions 8.5 and above, EdgeVis Server allows an unlimited number of temporary licences to be assigned for the first 30 days after installation. This is to allow full installation of EdgeVis Server and all devices, while a licence request is processed in parallel (please refer to the Requesting the encoder licence files section below for details regarding this process).
If no valid licence is installed within 30 days, then all temporary licences are invalidated on day 31.

For EdgeVis Server versions prior to 8.5: On logging on to the server for the first time, the server will display a warning on the server homepage that the server does not have any licences installed that would allow encoders to be available on the server.

Illustration of configuration interface

The different products within EdgeVis require that each be assigned the appropriate types of licence. It is necessary to obtain the corresponding licence from Digital Barriers after receiving the encoder. It is not possible to purchase a hardware encoder without purchasing the equivalent software licences – these licences can be obtained from Digital Barriers during installation.

Requesting the encoder licence file

From the server homepage click the visit the licence page warning message (or use the Licence Management option in the Maintain this server section on the homepage).

This will display the licence page for the server which will show that there are no available licences:

This should show that the server has no licences available. Select the Request a new licence menu option.

This will then prompt for a Sales reference number. This can be found on the paperwork received from Digital Barriers with the encoder(s).

This number takes a standard form:

DB-XX-XX-XXXX-XXXX (where X is numeric)

This will generate a licence request that must be sent to Digital Barriers. It is possible to either download the request, or embed it directly into an e-mail. Whatever mechanism is selected this information should be e-mailed to:

Digital Barriers will create the appropriate licence file that will be returned to the e-mail sender, allowing the licences to be installed onto the server.

Installing the licence file onto the server

Once the licence file has been received from Digital Barriers the next step is to upload the file to EdgeVis Server. Return to the Licence Management page and use the Upload a new licence menu option. This allows the received licence file to be uploaded to the server.

The new licence file contents should now be reflected on the Licence management page:

Illustration of configuration interface

With the licences installed it is now possible to create the accounts necessary to attach an encoder to the server.

Licences for additional purchases

To purchase additional encoders to use on the server the above steps must be carried out again, to install the additional licences for the new encoders. The process is almost identical, with one simplification. During the purchase of the new encoders the original Sales Reference Number of the EdgeVis Server must be supplied to Digital Barriers – this is presented within the Licence management page.

When requesting a new licence file EdgeVis Server will remember the original Sales Reference Number entered during the initial setup and will not request a new Sales Reference Number. Send the request as described above, which must include the original Sales Reference Number.

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