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What's new in EdgeVis 8.0? (Historical)

Digital Barriers is pleased to announce the release of EdgeVis version 8.0.

Updated over a week ago

This release is no longer the latest release - this page is provided for historical guidance only.

Welcome to EdgeVis Version 8.0!


Please review the Version 8.0 compatibility and supported devices section before upgrading – version 8.0 drops supports for a number of older versions/products.

Customer highlights

EdgeVis Server introduces more cloud features

EdgeVis Server now supports automatic e-mails when creating user accounts, user self-service for password reset, built-in two-factor authentication and more sophisticated password security options all make for a safer secure system that also reduces the burden on busy system administrators.

New video codec modes provide quality and ease-of-deployment improvements

EdgeVis 8.0 encoders can now use an almost entirely automatic quality mode. After setting a maximum bandwidth, select from one of the pre-defined presets, or select a target frame-rate and dimensions and the encoder will auto adjust up to these to suit live network conditions. EdgeVis can now be safely set to higher bandwidths knowing that an encoder will react to live loss of bandwidth - no more need to perform post-installation tweaking!

Second generation SafeZone 2D – new detection modes, reducing false alarms

SZ-2D can now filter out more false alerts (e.g. spider webs on lens, car headlights) as well as a new mode to detect people and/or vehicles that enter the scene – and remain! All of the improvements help reduce the amount of time and money spent reacting to false alerts!

Ability to utilise EdgeVis alarm management in more scenarios

It will now be possible to set a recurring weekly schedule to arm/disarm the alarm rules on an encoder allowing deployments in situations with a regular recurring schedule (e.g. schools, offices) where the system can be disabled during opening hours.

EdgeVis Server - Key changes

Version 8.0 introduces a number of new management features to improve the security and reliability of EdgeVis installations:

  • Automated account creation/management e-mails

  • Protect user accounts with two-factor authentication (2FA)

  • Improved password complexity rules including blocking common words

  • New multi-server Quality of Service metrics

  • Support for updated Let's Encrypt mechanisms

  • Improved logging and searching performance

  • Official support for the 4K-R800

Simplified account management

EdgeVis Server can now operate in one of two different modes for user account creation:

Offline (as currently available in V7)

  • Admins create a user’s account and password, and then manually distributes the login details

E-mail new user(s) their account automatically (new)

  • Admins enters each user’s account name, e-mail address, and role

  • EdgeVis Server sends an e-mail to user automatically

  • User receives a link that allows them to create their own password

The new e-mail system improves security by ensuring passwords are only
known by their respective users. Additionally, users can now reset their
own passwords using an automated e-mail system directly from the server
login page. E-mails sent can be customised using individual templates.

To enable e-mail account system:

  • Ensure e-mail is configured and working on your EdgeVis Server

  • Enable the feature from the server’s User Settings page (under Automated account management e-mails)

It is possible to enable/disable this feature – however it is not recommended to toggle this setting on a production server as all existing automated e-mails will cease to work when the feature is disabled.

Illustration of confirm user account email

Two-factor authentication (2FA)

EdgeVis can now protect user accounts using two factor authentication (2FA). This uses the industry standard 6-digit code scheme, which can be generated using third-party apps (such as Google Authenticator).

2FA can be enabled from the server’s User Settings page (under Two-factor authentication) and can be made mandatory for all users, optional, or disabled entirely. This can be set at both the domain and server level.

When 2FA is set to mandatory:

  • Users are directed to EdgeVis Server to login to prove their identify

  • The user is presented with a QR code – they scan this into their Authenticator app

  • The app then presents a 6-digit code – this must be entered below the QR code in
    EdgeVis Server to complete setup.

When 2FA is set to optional, users can enable 2FA from the My Settings menu
within EdgeVis Server. Once setup is complete, all users of EdgeVis Server and
Client must enter their 2FA code (in addition to their password) to gain access.


  • 2FA can be used with both offline and e-mail account creation modes

  • The user can also download a set of backup codes should they lose access to their 2FA device. Admins have the ability to disable/limit this feature.

  • Not all clients apps can support 2FA (e.g. Milestone, V7 clients)… for these use cases the user can create app-specific passwords to bypass 2FA requirement. Admins can disable this feature if desired.

Two factor authentication illustration

Other server features…

Improved password complexity rules, including blocking common words

In addition to the existing password rules available, it is now possible to add the following restrictions:

  • Users are not allowed to repeat the same character more than N times

  • Users are not allowed to use dictionary words (and common variations like ‘P@sswOrd’)

New multi-server Quality of Service metrics

The link between servers in an MSR cluster must maintain a certain level of
performance to ensure that data is synchronised reliably and user response
times are kept low.

To help determine if the inter-server response times are within normal
levels, new metrics are available within each server’s MSR page which will
highlight when response times could effect system performance.

Node response time chart illustration

Improved logging and searching performance

Heavily loaded servers should notice improvements when using the search function, or reviewing system logs.

Official support for the 4K-R800

This version of EdgeVis Server is the first server that officially supports the 4K-R800 (when used with the accompanying V8 firmware). Use of older 4K-R800 firmware is not officially supported.

New streaming video modes - Key changes

Version 8.0 introduces three new major video streaming changes to simplify encoder deployments and increase video quality:

  • Simplified bandwidth and cellular configuration

  • The ability to dynamically set the video frame rate and resolution, enabling the first truly Automatic quality mode

  • Unification of user settings between EdgeVis Server and EdgeVis Client

The goal of these new features is to allow you to safely set higher bandwidths - knowing that an encoder will react to live loss of bandwidth.

No more need to perform post-installation tweaking!

New bandwidth configuration system

Setting encoder bandwidths is now independent of quality settings

Traditionally, you configure an encoder’s bandwidth settings for one of two reasons:

  • To control bandwidth costs

  • To maintain a consistent quality when available bandwidth is inconsistent/poor

With version 8.0’s automatic and adaptive quality settings (see next page), this removes the need to configure bandwidths and quality settings together. As such, all bandwidth controls have been moved into a single dialog to simplify cost management.

Additionally, when using the video quality settings (including the built-in preset options) these will no longer modify the user’s configured bandwidth settings.

Illustration of bandwidth management for a device

All cellular modem profiles have been merged into a single profile

Previous version of encoder firmware required the user to configure each cellular technology individually (including 2G, 2.5G, 3G, 3.5G, 4G). With version 8.0 this has been simplified to one mobile setting.

Minimum bandwidth cutoff simplified to a single percentage setting

Version 8 will now calculate the minimum bandwidth a viewing client must be able to sustain (before being dropped off) as a percentage of the maximum bandwidth setting of the ‘in-use’ profile.

New automatic video quality presets

Version 8.0 is now capable of automatically adjusting the video frame rate and resolution based on live network conditions. The highest-level configuration is simplified to four preferences - designed so that most customers will be best served with a fully automatic setting, with some alternative presets to satisfy more specific deployment scenarios.

Illustration of new presets

Streaming quality
Streaming quality
Streaming quality
Streaming quality
Streaming quality

Custom video quality settings

While the four preset options outlined previously should satisfy most customers, you can also tailor the encoder’s behaviour further. Select Custom from the preset menu to customise the encoder’s streaming settings:

You can choose between four schemes in Prioritise resolution / framerate:

  • Balanced: similar to Automatic, but the encoder won’t select a value
    above the target resolution or frame rate.

  • Prioritise frame rate: similar to Best frame rate, the encoder will
    increase the frame-rate until it hits the target frame rate, and then
    it will increase the resolution up to the target resolution.

  • Prioritise resolution: similar to Best resolution, the encoder will
    increase the resolution until it hits the target resolution, and then
    it will increase the frame rate up to the target frame rate.

  • Strict: the encoder will disable all automatic adjustment and will use target resolution and frame rate.

Illustration of a custom compression profile


  • The target frame rate and resolution options will filter out unavailable combinations. For example if you select 1080p then the target frame rates will be limited to 10fps, in line with the encoders’ capabilities.

  • These options do not reflect the incoming RTSP video stream for IP cameras. Should the camera present a lower resolution/frame rate the encoder will automatically reduce to match.

Compatible vs Enhanced mode

To fully take advantage of the new continual adaptive quality changes, it has been necessary to add new features to the EdgeVis video codec. This affects older pre-version 8.0 viewing clients who will not be able to view the new video stream. This also affects third-party video management software (VMS) such as Milestone that have not been upgraded yet to use the latest V8.0 SDKs (as of Oct 2020).

It is obviously undesirable to break existing installations, and so it is possible to run encoder in a compatible mode (enabled by default for new and upgrade installs) to ensure old clients can continue to view version 8.0 encoders. Once you are sure all viewing clients have been upgraded to version 8, you can switch the encoder to enhanced mode to take full advantage of version 8.0.

Compatible mode maintains nearly all of the benefits of version 8.0, with the following limitations:

Compatible mode

Enhanced mode

Will auto-select optimal quality settings:

  • When the first viewer starts streaming

  • When the user selects any new quality/ bandwidth setting

  • When the encoder switches between comms bearers

Will auto-select optimal quality settings:

  • Continually, based on live observed bandwidth

  • Viewable on all V7 and V8 clients

  • Viewable on all existing third-party VMSs

  • Viewable only on V8 clients

  • Check with third party VMS systems if they have been upgraded to be compatible with V8

Audio settings also simplified…

The audio settings have also been simplified, reducing the settings to two simple choices:

  • Audio source: Off / Mono / Stereo (this can be only configured from EdgeVis Server)

  • Audio quality: Low / Medium / High

Illustration of audio settings for a device

EdgeVis V8 now dynamically adjusts the audio bitrate based on live network conditions.

Low/Medium/High dictates the minimum proportion of bandwidth the encoder should allocate to the audio from the chosen maximum bandwidth. Higher settings ensure, should the available live bandwidth drop, that more bandwidth is reserved for the audio.


  • The encoder still uses the Speex audio codec (as used in version 7) for live transmitted audio.

Unified user interface options

A limitation of version 7 is that the bandwidth/quality mechanisms operated differently, depending on where configuration was performed:

  • EdgeVis Server: manual setting of all individual settings for all available communication profiles

  • EdgeVis Client: simplified end-user controls (with 4 simple presets) of the active communications profile

Setting a setting in one interface did not necessarily translate cleanly to the other.

Version 8.0 now presents the same interface options to EdgeVis Server and Client users. While a few administrator options (channel caps and audio channels) are restricted to the EdgeVis Server management interface, all end-user options are mirrored across both environments.

Illustration of UI changes on the client
Illustration of UI changes on the server

Analytics and alarming - Key changes

Version 8.0 introduces a number of significant updates to the EdgeVis alarm system:

  • Arm/disarm alarm rules to a user-definable schedule

  • New Safezone-2D detection modes and false alarm mitigations

These enhancements extend the number of use cases EdgeVis alarming can be deployed.

Arm/disarm alarm rules to schedule

Currently alarm rules assume a sterile zone… meaning any
detection should be reported to a user. Version 8.0 adds a
scheduling capability to cater for more use cases (e.g. offices
with set opening hours).

You can now set a schedule of when all enabled alarm rules
should be armed/disarmed. It is possible to create two types
of template within a domain:

  • Weekly recurring schedule
    You define a day/time (to the nearest 5 minutes) when the alarm
    rules should be armed/disarmed.

  • Exception list
    You define a specific date (e.g. Christmas Day) where the system
    should override any selected weekly schedule to a special
    whole-day arm/disarmed setting.

The default setting is Always armed with no exceptions, but you can
set a new default weekly and expectation schedule on a domain-basis,
and/or specify a specific schedule on an encoder-by-encoder basis.

Illustration of alarm rules changes


  • Domain schedules (and defaults) are created within the Weekly schedules section of Encoder settings

  • All new options require that EdgeVis Server, and encoder firmware be upgraded to version 8.0

  • Alarm scheduling is supported on IP Series, HD-Q800 and 4K-R800

Major update to Safezone-2D

For users who have Safezone-2D (SZ-2D) licences, version 8.0 includes a number of significant upgrades. Firstly Safezone-2D can now operate in one of two modes:

  • Sterile Zone (existing mode)
    SZ-2D quickly learns what the scene’s ‘background’ looks like and detect
    objects (e.g. people, vehicles) enters the scene.

  • Public Safety (new mode)
    Tuned to public spaces where the scene is expected to change on a continual
    basis. In combination with the ‘stationary object’ trigger, users can detect
    loitering, or using larger minimum trigger sizes detect large groups of people.

Illustration of how new SafeZone 2D changes look

Additionally SZ-2D can now trigger on objects entering a scene, or (new for V8) for
objects remaining stationary in a scene. Users can now set a minimum duration to
help eliminate false detections for the local environmental conditions.

Other new false-alarm mitigations are also available, including an out-of-focus filter (to help ignore spiders or water droplets on/in front of lens) and a car headlight filter (to help ignore large brightness spikes caused by a passing car at night).


  • These new options are available from the Advanced button while configuring SZ-2D in client

  • All new options require that EdgeVis Server, encoder and clients be upgraded to version 8.0

  • The new version of SZ-2D is supported on IP Series, HD-Q800 and 4K-R800

Encoder enhancements - Key changes

Version 8.0 introduces various encoder improvements to IP Series, HD-Q800 and 4K-R800.

  • You can now rename an encoder’s output stream names remotely

  • Area of Interest includes two new features: per-camera regions, and a new blur mode

  • Control over the automatic setting of IP camera resolution, frame rate and bitrate while adding cameras to encoders

  • Various local web UI improvements

Rename encoder video streams

Users can now rename the video stream published by a V8 encoder.
This effectively gives encoders an alias that is displayed in the clients.

In version 8.0 an encoder has both:

  • An encoder name
    This is the name of the encoder’s account that is programmed into the encoder. This is displayed within EdgeVis server when listing and configuring encoders.

  • A stream name
    This is the name displayed within viewing clients.

By default, the stream name is the same as the encoder name (for both new and upgraded encoders). To change the stream name, click the stream name under the Streaming section when configuring the encoder in EdgeVis Server.

Illustration of encoder name change process


  • Stream names must be unique on the server (and this is checked against all stream and encoder names)

  • Both encoder and server must be upgraded to version 8.0

  • Version 8.0 clients will pick up any stream change automatically within the Home page, while users of older clients will need to log out/in

New Area of Interest options

Version 8.0 improves upon the existing Area of Interest (AoI) feature by adding two new features:

  • Individual regions for each camera (and P-in-P/Quad View layout)
    You can now set a different region on each camera/layout, which hugely increases the usability of AoI on encoders with multiple cameras. Use the Change Input icon to change to other cameras.

  • A new mode (blur) for selected regions
    Older encoders use bandwidth prioritisation to allocate more bits to the selected region. This allows the encoder to build the important areas first, and then if possible build the areas outside the region. In theory (for a static scene) the outside region can approach the quality of the selected region over time.

    The new mode uses a different mechanism. It blurs the outside region, effectively reducing the number of bits required to represent that area and leaving more bits for the selected region. This can be useful in different scenarios (e.g. as a live-streaming privacy filter). Tick Use blur for background to enable.

    Illustration of blur functionality

Control over automatic camera settings

User can now skip the automatic setting of ONVIF settings while adding an IP camera.

When adding an IP camera to an encoder, the encoder will normally
set the IP camera to 1080p, 25/30fps @ 10 Mbps - this is to ensure:

  • the encoder only receives an RTSP video stream that reliably process

  • limits the bitrate of the RTPS stream to ensure that the recordings disk is not prematurely filled.

This behaviour can now be disabled by unticking Auto configure ONVIF camera to optimal settings when adding the camera. This allows the user to use the pre-existing camera settings (e.g. to extend recording duration by recording at lower settings to 720p or bitrate to 5 Mbps).

Illustration of auto configuring ONVIF settings

To check the live stream characteristics that the encoder is receiving,
select the desired video input and the current characteristics are
displayed under the Stream Information section.

Illustration of camera stream information


  • Video resolution must be 1080p, 720p, 576p or 480p – higher/
    non-standard resolutions are not supported.

  • Frame rate must not be greater than 30fps

  • It is not recommended to use bitrates higher than 10 Mbps. IP camera bitrates can often spike over configured settings with high motion scenes. This can negatively affect encoder performance and recording duration.

Remaining improvements

Version 8.0 introduces various user interface improvements to the encoder’s web interface:

  • A new graphical layout (picture-in-picture and
    quad-view) editor

    Illustration of new PIP process

  • Improved feedback when performing factory reset and firmware upgrades

    Illustration of better feedback

  • Reworked local viewer and RTSP settings page that brings together the ability to:

    • enable/disable the RTSP/local viewer service

    • configure the RTSP multicast settings

    • retrieve the RTSP URLs required to stream each video input form the encoder

    Illustration of new RTSP page

Client improvements

EdgeVis Client’s new features mainly expose the new features described elsewhere in this document, but there are a small number of stand-alone improvements:

  • First 64-bit Windows release

  • Over 200 user interface tweaks

  • Improved auto-update of available encoders


First 64-bit release

To support the 4K full-resolution images that can be retrieved from the 4K-R800 EdgeVis Client is now a 64-bit program. This also allows EdgeVis Client to support more open streams and hold more images for full-resolution retrieval on all encoders.

Over 200 user interface tweaks

The interfaces across Windows, iOS and Android have been reviewed and updated to ensure consistent placement of menus, buttons and controls, as well as consistent information/error messages.

Improved auto-update of available encoders

Existing clients would auto hide/show encoders automatically when they become offline/online. Version 8.0 extends this to automatically update the asset list when:

  • Video streams are renamed

  • New encoders accounts are created (and the user has domain-wide access)


  • If the user is already viewing a stream and it is renamed the client will not automatically continue playback as using the new stream. You must first close, and then re-open the video stream.

  • If the user account has limited access to individual encoders the client will not know if those permissions are extended to other encoders. The user will still need to log out and back in to pick those encoders.

Version 8.0 compatibility

The following sections outline:

  • What devices are compatible with version 8.0

  • What versions are not compatible with version 8.0

  • On-going access to older version 7 releases

Supported devices

Version 8.0 drops all support for V6 encoder firmware and clients. While some older components may continue to connect to a version 8.0 infrastructure this is not recommended and is not supported.

EdgeVis Server 8.0 compatibility

  • EdgeVis Server V8 will only accept connections from V7 & V8 EdgeVis Clients

  • Actively Supported Devices with V7 and V8 encoder firmware:

    • HD-IP150, HD-IP200, HD-IP250, HD-IP450, HD-IP470

    • HD-S600, HD-R700, 4K-R800, SD-Q600, HD-Q800

    • Mobile Encoder for Android/iOS, BW500

  • Legacy Composite Devices (such C300, C310, S400, R400, R500) can still connect, but full compatibility is no longer guaranteed. Customers are recommended to maintain a V7 infrastructure to support these devices.

EdgeVis Client 8.0 compatibility

  • EdgeVis Client V8 will only connect to V7 & V8 EdgeVis Servers

  • EdgeVis Client for Windows requires a 64-bit version of Windows

Version 8.0 firmware is available for

  • HD-IP150, HD-IP200, HD-IP250, HD-IP450, HD-IP470

  • 4K-R800, HD-Q800

  • Version 8.0 firmware is only guaranteed to be compatible with V8 servers

Supporting older versions

Digital Barriers appreciate that some customers are unable to upgrade to version 8.0 and will continue to allow customers to download the last supported versions of the 7.3 releases.

Available from our Legacy Resources Center

  • the last release of version 7.3 of EdgeVis Server

  • the last release of version 7.3 encoder firmware

  • the last release of version 7.1 of legacy composite encoders (e.g. C310)

  • the last release of version 7.3 of EdgeVis Client Suite for Windows

  • the last release of version 7.3 of EdgeVis Client for Android APK

Apple App Store

  • the last release of version 7.3 of EdgeVis Client for iOS (search for EdgeVis Client Legacy)


  • The above clients can be used to connect to EdgeVis Server 6.

  • These versions will only receive critical bug fixes until December 2021.

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