VPN Status
Once you have configured your VPN connection the communications page will display the status of the VPN connection.
The status message is also a link that can be used to:
Get more information on the connection status - use the More Info link to get access to low level logging information.
Edit the current VPN settings
Disable the VPN entirely
VPN Logs
The VPN logs section runs a number of low-level Linux commands, and displays the output of each - this shows the raw status of the VPN connection, and the resulting routing tables to assist IT professionals to debug any issues with the VPN connection or accessing devices attached to the encoder:
For Wireguard the list displays the output of the following commands:
wg show
ip route
ip route show table 0
ip route show table 1
ip route show table 2
ip route show table 3
ip route show table 4
ip route show table 20
ip route show table 51820
ip route show table main
ip rule show resolvectl