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How do I enable persistent logging?
Updated over a year ago

By default, an encoder maintains a developer-level debug log in its volatile memory to help with support issues. This can often be requested by Digital Barriers to diagnose customer issues. However, as the log is stored in memory, it is lost if the unit reboots or is powered down, making diagnosis difficult for some scenarios (e.g. vehicle deployments, or a comms issue that causes the encoder to reboot).

To help with difficult debug scenarios, it is possible to store the encoder’s log files on the recording disk by logging into the local web configuration interface, and from the Logs and Diagnostics menu, select Log Settings and enable Persist Log Files.

This ensures that logs will persist after a reboot.

Note: Debug logs do not disclose encoder/user passwords, but will show messaging between the encoder and server, potentially disclosing information about encoder usage and server location.

As this is a potential security issue (storing debug logs on a removable disk) this feature is DISABLED by default. Please consider the deployment scenario carefully to ensure security.

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