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How do I download recordings via SFTP?
Updated over 7 months ago

SFTP recordings download

The encoder supports the ability to download recordings using an industry standard SFTP (Secure FTP) download client, without the need to eject the disk. Once enabled there is only one setting required – a password that is used to protect access to the SFTP service.

If enabled an SFTP service will be available on every active communications method on the encoder (if the firewall is enabled SFTP will not be available on the communications methods used to connect to EdgeVis Server).

TIP: SFTP can be combined with the Wireless Access Point feature to provide a ‘drive-by’ recording download facility. The Wireless Access Point can be enabled/disabled easily from within EdgeVis Server and EdgeVis Client – once enabled a user can connect their laptop to the encoder using the Wi-Fi hotspot created by the encoder and then connect to the SFTP service to download the desired recordings. The Wi-Fi hotspot will then automatically disable itself 30 minutes after the final download is completed.

To connect to the SFTP service download and install an SFTP client (there are many free and open source SFTP clients available including WinSCP and Filezilla) and enter the following details:

  • Host / IP Address – the IP Address of the encoder, on the communications method used to connect to the encoder (e.g. if connecting to the encoder via the Wireless Access Point the default is

  • Protocol – SFTP

  • Port – Must be set to 22

  • Username – user

  • Password – as configured in the SFTP options

Illustration of configuration interface

Once connected there will be four folders displayed (disk1, disk2, disk3, disk4) – an encoder may have multiple recording locations available. If only one recording location is in use all recordings will be in disk1.

The recordings will be organised within the following folder structure archive / [Year] / [Month] / [Day], with each folder containing the recordings for that day. The filename is composed of the recording channel, followed by the date and time the recording was started at.

Once the desired folder/files have been identified use the download function to start the transfer of the files to the PC.

When the transfer is complete use the Media Manager application to review the encoder recordings.

NOTE: All recording timestamps are in UTC (GMT +0). For users in other time zones, it is necessary to manually perform the time zone adjustment when downloading specific files. For example, users in EST (-5hrs) should add 5 hours to the desired time to convert from EST to UTC.

Illustration of configuration interface

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